Teacher mistakes

Avoid falling into any of these teacher traps

Ajarn has put together a list of the most common mistakes that teachers make in Thailand - both new arrivals and those who have been here a while.

The all new 10-year retirement visa

Who is it aimed at exactly?

A buzz of excitement went through the Thailand expat community last week, when it was announced the Thai government planned to offer ten year visas to those over the official Thai retirement age of 50. That buzz of excitement was shortlived however once any street savvy expat decided to delve into the figures and requirements in more detail.

A rewarding visa run

How to get a double-entry tourist visa in Savannakhet, Laos

I won't claim to be any kind of expert on the matter, but from everything I've heard from the many people and agencies I've talked to, Laos is the only country you can easily (relatively and without flying) get to from Bangkok that will grant you a double entry tourist visa.

Does your school have a work permit / visa superhero?

Every teacher would love their school to have a Khun Oat

Foreign teachers need someone who takes away all those red tape headaches? Do you have such a member of staff or is your place of employment generally clueless about immigration / ministry of labor procedures and are teachers left to fight for themselves?

What makes a good international school?

What are the the things a teacher should know beforehand?

Everyone always says 'research' is the number one thing for teachers hopping off to a far away teaching nirvana and they would be right, but it isn't until you are deep inside the doors of an international school that you suddenly have a plethora of questions you probably should have asked.

Teaching in Thailand

Postbox letter from Dr John Smith

In many articles people have complained that the money they have to pay each year for work permits, visas and teaching licence makes it just not worth it. When is the ministry going to wake up and stop persecuting teachers who have nothing but good intent for the education of the Thai children and stay here as law abiding people.

New visa rule is ridiculous

Postbox letter from Dr John Smith

In my opinion I find it very difficult to understand the mentality or blatant stupidity of the Thai immigration section in Bangkok. Not only do they rip you off at every turn but now they have found a new way to get money from visitors.

Getting a 30-day tourist visa extension

A trip to the remarkably efficient Thai immigration office

I must say, I'm highly impressed with the efficiency of the whole process. It's not something I would expect from a Thai government office, and the process is far more efficient than getting a passport or similar document in the States!

Race and Thailand

Postbox letter from Ms. Martey

My husband does not teach but I have heard of many African teachers that have trouble getting jobs. Some school directors have a policy to just not hire blacks (although they won't state this publicly).

Heads up on the 90-day "yes, I'm still here' form

Postbox letter from Dave Patterson

Beware of the 90-day reporting rules. They can change from one year to the next.

Showing 10 tagged items out of 14 total Page 1 of 2

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