Memories - good and bad
Casting my mind back to a government school I taught at years ago
Part of our family holiday was to be spent in Kalasin so I decided to reach out to my ex-colleagues and see how they were. Truth be told, I was also curious to learn about the school and if my replacements had been successful or not.
A year in rural Thailand
Twelve months at a Thai government school
Today I am celebrating my first year of teaching at a government school in rural Thailand. I thought I'd share some of the interesting idiosyncrasies within the school where I currently work.
Science day spectacular
Thais certainly know how to put on a show
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Thai schools love to put on a show. It's not always a GOOD show, but at least once every week or so, my school has some kind of event happening during morning assembly that lasts well into the school day.
A dream school in the making
What does it take to become a top Thai school?
Classes in Thailand opened last month. Teachers, students and administrators are once again ready to perform their duties and responsibilities to put the name of their school in the limelight and live up to the expectations of those who acknowledge their school as a role model in the community.