Finding a job in Thailand - the basics
From one newbie to another
If you're considering coming to Thailand on your own to find work as an English teacher, I promise you can do it.
A word of warning!
Postbox letter from Anonymous
We had the bad luck of finding a great school in Trang, but our agent wasn't really up to scratch!
An overview of teaching in Thailand
I thought this might be of benefit to new ajarn readers in particular
I was asked to fill in a questionnaire by my old university on the topic of teaching English in Thailand. Although it was intended to encourage applicants to take a Thai study program in Germany, the information might be useful for those teachers thinking of coming to work here in Thailand.
News from up't north
Postbox letter from Geoff Richards
The good news is that because the Teacher's Council of Thailand is trying to rigorously enforce the need for all foreign English teachers to sit the tests for a TL, many schools are now finding it difficult to retain staff.
Can you teach science?
A simple question that led to a most unbelievable runaround
I got an interview for a science teacher position here in Thailand. The owner of the education employment agency started by asking me how long I plan to stay in Thailand. I said, "A long time because I like Thailand." He asked me what I like about Thailand. I said, "What's to not like about Thailand?"
Word of warning on a dodgy agency
Postbox letter from Mol
Unfortunately, the agency curse in Thailand has struck again. We have had the pain of dealing with a certain agency in Trang.
Does Thailand want to keep its teachers?
Postbox letter from Jonathan
I think it is plain to see that Thailand has to change the way it operates. The fat cat agency owners are making a killing ripping off teachers. The school directors are pocketing money to buy their Mercedes instead of buying what the school needs.
When your face just doesn't fit
When a school wants to fire you, what can you do?
I had been working as a Maths teacher for just under four months at a Catholic school in Bangkok when the head teacher, who is always happy to deliver bad news in a very dramatic way, informed me that parents had complained about the homework books not being marked. This was just the beginning.
Another demo lesson fiasco
Postbox letter from Lauren
I had a similar situation where I attended an interview with a reputable agency and was sent to do a demo lesson at one of their schools (not the school they needed a new teacher for). I was told to give a 40-minute demo from a book.
The school that once was
Postbox letter from Mr. Greenberg
A well regarded school, a school with a beautifully rich history, is now perceived as something else. Asked about the school’s services, a Thai faculty member, who asked not to be named said, “most of what is happening now is all for show.”