Who does my job ad appeal to?
What can you do when filling your teacher vacancies becomes impossible?
If you've been around teacher recruitment in Thailand for as long as I have, then you'll know that by insisting on too many requirements, a school is narrowing its field down to almost non-existent
Why so many government school openings?
Postbox letter from Doug
The very long list of jobs is an indication that, by in large, Thai government schools are NOT interested in the welfare of their students.
How to motivate your students
Postbox letter from Stephen Salter
These kids passed every test I set them after our keep fit regime started. Carrot and stick works every time if used properly, but I suppose it helps if you know what you are doing. I know all teachers don't have the freedom I had but do try it if you can
The real deal
Postbox letter from Juan de la Cruz
English cannot be learned in school alone. Even if you're the most effective English teacher in the whole world, a student will only learn English to full extent if he/she uses it outside of the classroom.
Enough is enough
Postbox letter from Annoyed
I have just left Thailand after 10 years of teaching, my wife and two children are in the process of getting their passports and visas to follow me here in the next couple of months. Why? Enough is enough,
Failures in sarcasm
When a lesson plan can all go horribly wrong
Even when I try to tone down my sarcasm, those rascally comments still slip from my lips! I know that my students are vaguely aware of sarcasm but they don't quite understand it and they certainly would never use it on their own.
Choosing the right employer
The joys of working for a teacher agency
I wouldn't say I have a "horror story" per se, but rather a three-ringed circus. I found the whole ordeal quite amusing for the most part, although the never getting paid on time or the correct amount, along with the constant harassing emails from whom I can only assume to be a mentally imbalanced employer did get a bit tiresome by the end.
Confessions of a new teacher
What I learned in the first five months
I'm Karisa and I couldn't be more of a cliché: a blonde, American, recent college grad who decided to go teach in a foreign country! Don't be too impressed with me; I'm hardly unique in this expedition to teach English abroad.
Happy and exhausted reflections from a newbie teacher
Postbox letter from Jojo Tiger
What an intense year this has been. So many people inspired me along the way, fellow teachers, ex teachers friends and total strangers.
Teaching corporate classes
Mixing it with the suits
A few weeks ago, an opportunity finally presented itself through my part-time language school to teach two evenings per week at an engineering firm in the Ekkamai area. I jumped on the chance, and I must say: I'm so glad I did!