Sion Binalon's blog on Ajarn.com
In loving memory of Kuya Ben: A teacher and a friend
I met Kuya Ben (Kuya means older brother) through a co-teacher a month after I arrived in Thailand.
We had our last dinner in one of those makeshift restaurants that come alive only at night along Thailand sidewalks. The buzzing sound of cars and passers-by made me listen hard as to what he had said. Lost in his thoughts and blank gaze, he told me that life is short. The past should not hold me back from life and its kindness.
Early intervention for special kids
Experts say intervention is crucial while the child is still very young.
Evidences show that early intervention increases the developmental, educational and social rewards. Moreover, the medical field greatly supports early intervention too.
Music and language acquisition
How music benefits the language learner
Learning language through music helps students' verbatim memory, improves pronunciation, speaks better, and promotes positive atmosphere in learning.
My classroom
A room away from home
A stimulating and educational classroom is what every child needs. It has to be simple, child centered and most of all caters also the needs of students who have learning needs.
Teaching away from Thailand
Feeling blessed to be a teacher
I guess I will always be teaching. May it be on top of a mountain, farm or with a tribe and culture different to my own?
My wishes
Reflecting on what I could have done better for my students
What had I achieved as a teacher, as a class?" "What had I given them? What had my students taught me during the past year?" So many moments of ups and downs, sheer joy and triumphs, but there were things I wish I could have done better.
Odd, but not really.
Considering students with special needs
Our role isn't to cure Autism, Down syndrome, and the like, but to provide these odd individuals a chance to live and experience a life worth living for!
A time of change
Taking over blogging duties from a very special person
As changes take place, you will surely meet a person who directly influences and affects your life in a magnitude that he/she might never know.