Why are teenagers so tough to teach?
Postbox letter from Michael
Teaching English to teenagers in Thailand is hands down one of the toughest gigs out there. I’ve been in classrooms where I’ve felt like a stand-up comedian dying on stage.
The courage of Arpaporn
In defense of exclusion, discrimination, and xenophobia
I would like to say that my latest writing assignment given to my grade 10 and 11 classes has given me hope; but I can’t. While some of the writing showed ‘glimmers of hope’, at least in my eyes, many of the opinions my students shared unfortunately matched the biased, ignorant, and bigoted statements made incessantly by many Thai adults.
An extremely unpleasant teaching day
Today was one of the most unpleasant in my four years plus of teaching.
How does a foreign teacher discipline unruly teenagers and stop them spoiling the class? What are some of the golden rules you should always keep in mind to make sure you stay on the right side of the school owner....and the law?
A Thai student's diary
What it feels like to be a Thai student studying English in school
A foreign teacher contacted ajarn wanting to share a diary that one of his English program students had written. Although the student is only a youngster, the diary is a very frank account of what it's like to study at a Thai school. Top work!
Colored education
The road to becoming a teacher
Bobo Metei came to Thailand as a fresh graduate on the lookout for different things. So being a young man with little money in his pocket, he decided to take up teaching.